SpartanProtocol — February 2021
Monthly Wrap Up | Summary | February Articles | LP Positions PageV1 | TokoCrpyto Exchange Listing | SpartanSite Rebrand/Update | APY Displayed | Social Growth Increases | Community Engagement and Bounty Program | Current Contributor Focus | SpartanProtocol V2 Update
Wow, a lot of things have happened this month at Spartan Protocol; when you are living and breathing it every day you can blink and miss it. Putting together the short list above really shows the amount of hard work that is going on. Anyways, onto the news.
The start of February saw the release of the updated and refreshed SpartanProtocol landing page with some fantastic community made artwork. This coincided with a call to arms for the ShieldWall to assist with filling in the content of various information pages, kicking off a Bounty Channel with the community incentivising each other to fill in.
Liquidity providers are now able to monitor their positions with the Positions Page feature. This takes into account how much liquidity you have provided, with or without Bond+Mint as well as any withdraws you have done. Providng great decision making information.
APYs are now listed next to the various assets pairs. They include a confidence rating to show whether there have been large slips experienced or smaller than optimum sizing to help people do their own research highlighting in depth research is required.
TokoCrypto a leading Indonesian Exchange and the first to be accepted with regulatory authorities listed SpartanProtocol as as a highlighted project during a Binance Smart Chain week. I think it is safe to say they timed that one well with BSC starting to really flourish.
Read in further detail below.
February Articles
Missed one of our deep dives or weekly articles? Catch up below!
Deep Dives
Weekly Updates
LP Positions Page V1
The LP ‘Positions Page’ went live and was met with the enthusiasm of the Spartan ShieldWall; with users now able to easily observe their liquidity positions in pools. It has been fantastic to see community members share their experience of providing liquidity with visual aids.
LP providers quickly engaged with the designing contributors to offer suggestions and improvements to the layout and way information is shown, a lot of which have been implemented. This support from the ShieldWall is vital to the momentum of improvement that we are seeing.
By clicking on ‘Toggle Details’, LP Providers will be able to see their interactions with the pool broken down into more details. i.e, able to see the difference between additions and Bonds etc.
TokoCrypto Exchange Listing
The last week saw the listing of a new SPARTA:BNB pair over on TokoCrypto as a featured project during a week of highlighting the BinanceSmartChain (I think a lot of people will agree they nailed the timing).
TokoCrypto is one of Indonesia’s largest CryptoCurrency exchanges that prides itself on building relationships with the crypto community, Binance and regulatory authorities of Indonesia.
Be sure to welcome the TokoCrypto #Tokonauts and support them as they join the shield-wall and learn all about SpartanProtocol, make sure they come away knowing the strong positive community we have.
The landing page refresh has be undertaken with the use of contributor artwork and elbow grease! The results are outstanding.
Also goes to show the amazing things the community can achieve working together, the community will now work together to fill out the required information and supporting data.
APY Displayed in The Pools DApp
Confidence Ratings
Each APY has a confidence factor listed next to its calculated APY%. The intent is to highlight to community members that APYs may have been abnormally effected by transactions with large slips, small depth and not be appropriate to use when considering future projections.
As the pools depth continues to grow, abnormal slip amounts will reduce and APY will normalise and the confidence factor will go up. More data, better results.
Don’t forget that past performance does not guarantee future returns — you are responsible for your own analysis of pools and their on chain analytics etc.
Steady Growth on Social Platforms
Top Impressions:
Top Engagement:
Top Community Mention:
Google Spartanalytics
February Development Activity
SpartanPools DApp
23 items closed:
SpartanPools DAppV2
6 items closed:
16 items closed:
GlobalUpgrade (In progress):
Current Contributor’s Focus
SPARTA Needs You
Further Community Assistance To Complete Website Information Sections
As previously mentioned, many members of the community raised their hands to help fill in the various areas of the landing page. Some community members who really wanted to support the project, but didn’t feel like they had the time or capability; contributed some SPARTA to help encourage technical experts to the task.
Again this shows the willingness of all members in the shield wall to contribute in their own ways.
Some example of current bounties open
For the complete list of Bounties please head to Telegram ‘Bounty Board’ channel:
Or the GitHub for a list without the bounty amounts / applicants:
- DAO v2
- Utils v2
- Router v3
- Pool v2
- SynthRouter v1
- Synth v1
- Bond v4
Spartan DApp
- DAO UI v1
- Shares/Position Overview Page v1
- Integrate WalletConnect
Spartan Site
- Filling out the required information to make a supportive and informative webpage for new people and the shield wall alike.
Engage with the community and developers
Where to find out about all the latest updates or suggest improvements — get involved.
- Github:
- Medium:
- Twitter:
- Telegram Community:
- Telegram Announcements:
- Telegram Bounties Channel: